what is your stock list

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by peppergc
<<<<<then will need to start over with 30 gal after cleaning it had c/coral and was a nitrate nightmare !!
still researching what to have in it really reading all seahosre posts lol still thinking about that :thinking:
a true hobbiest never sells a tank


Active Member
i have a 90 gal
2Clown (one black white one OC)
1 pink blue watchman (what a meanie)
1 b/g chromis
stocked lightly but o well i think im getting a sick hippo to put in after he is qt'd from a relative with a tank.
and i regret it...
tht was a huge misunderstanding ans nver to be brouht up again. and was like the 1st week posting here


Active Member
in my 150g FOWLR i will have
3 reef chromis
1 Diamond goby
2 False percs
1 fiji orange tail or a Tonga puffer
1 leopard wrasse
1 female bluejaw trigger
1 emperor angel
1 sohal tang
and im still deciding whether to go with a Blond naso-Red sea ( dont think there is enough room) or a Goldan Bufferfly or 2 butterflys together such as a eclipse and racoon...

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
and i regret it...
tht was a huge misunderstanding ans nver to be brouht up again. and was like the 1st week posting here

hey my rule of thumb is you can not make fun of someone unless you have made the same mistake yourself. when I first started I got three yellow tangs 2 weeks after I set up my 46 gal :scared: man what ive learnd on this site
Originally Posted by Cannonman
29 Gal. Reef
2 clowns
1 bicolor blenny
green, red, blue, purple shrooms
green star
brown grogorian
candy cane
clove polyps
2 peppermint shrimp
many snails and pods, hermits
75 Gal. FOWLR
2 domino damsels
1 electric blue damsel
2 yellow tail damsels
1 coral beauty
1 yellow tang
2 three strip damsels
1 green emerald crab
1 sally light foot crab
2 peppermint shrimp


29 Gallon FOWLR
Chalk Basslet
Bicolor Blenny
YT Damsel
Hawaiian Spotted Puffer
I want to upgrade to the empty 55 gallon we have but it's my dad's tank. He doesn't want to mess with it since it's doing good.
75 Gallon Going to be a Reef
Maroon Clown
Yellow Watchman Goby
Green Clown Goby
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Skunk Cleaners
A few emerald crabs
Queen Conch
A few snails
Umbrella Mushroom
I would like to ditch the CBS and get a few sexy shrimp instead. Still plan to add a few more fish, some more snails, more coral, not sure what else.
I've narrowed the fish I want down to...
Kole Tang
Royal Gramma
Fairy or Flasher Wrasse
Pygmy/Cherub Angel
Midas Blenny
Some sort of Anthias
Possibly a Long Nosed Butterfly
I don't know which ones I want out of those.


2 cleaner shrimp
a bunch of turbo snails
a bunch of these other snails (i forget their name think it starts with a N)?
1 royal gamma
1 pearl (something) butterfly
1 flame angel
1 yellow goby (if he is still around. likes to disappear for days and then just shows up)
1 candy stripe cardinal
2 perc. clowns
25 lbs of live rock
and 5 red legged crabs
2 green chromis

tx reef

Active Member
This is my updated fish list....Longnose hawkfish I used to have went carpet surfing.
55 gallon "aggressive reef"
2 - Ocellaris Clowns
1 - Lawnmower Blenny
1 - Zebra Dwarf Lionfish
1 - Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
1 - Foxface
2 - Cleaner Shrimp
1 - Emerald Crab
1 - Anemone Crab
20+ - Nassarrius Snails
4 - Turbo Snails
10 - Blue Legged Hermits
2 - Sand Sifting Cucumbers
1 - BTA
SPS and some soft corals....too many to list.
By the way, in case anyone is in the mood for flaming, i am competely aware of the potential risks of the lionfish in this setup.


I already posted here, but its updated now:
55 gallon tank FOWLR
Coralife Super Skimmer
HOB double power filter
1 smallish huma huma trigger
1 medium foxface rabbitfish
1 small linear wrasse
1 medium Copperband Butterfly (new just got yesterday! Surpisingly/fortunately the huma didn't tear him up upon introduction, and everyone's leaving him alone)
If the Copperband dies, I'm getting rid of everyone else and getting a bimac octopus =]


Active Member
Done this once, but now I actually have most of the fish.
220g finally up and running...
Male Blue Throat
Female Blue Throat
Powder blue tang
Male Maroon
Female Maroon
Female Swallowtail
Fuzzy Dwarf
Purple tang
Yellow tang
Blenny I collected
Fish to add soon.
Christmas wrasse
Blue tang
Maybe a couple small pseudos...
Corals of all sorts, 400lbs of rock, 120lbs of live sand.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by kpk
Done this once, but now I actually have most of the fish.
220g finally up and running...
Male Blue Throat
Female Blue Throat
Powder blue tang
Male Maroon
Female Maroon
Female Swallowtail
Fuzzy Dwarf
Purple tang
Yellow tang
Blenny I collected
Fish to add soon.
Christmas wrasse
Blue tang
Maybe a couple small pseudos...
Corals of all sorts, 400lbs of rock, 120lbs of live sand.
nice list but how do you lnow what is male and female?


Active Member
The male and female triggers look alot different. the male has a blue throat and yellow outlining it's fins, the female is a silvery blue plane color.
The the female maroon is about 3x the size of the male.
And the swallowtail has totally different markings than a male swallow...


75 gallon
Live Rock
Live Sand
2 Percula clowns
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 firefish
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
1 Yellow Tang
1 Eibli Angelfish
3 Green Chromis
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
4 Sexy Shrimp
1 Anemone Shrimp
1 Pom Pom crab
20 Scarlet Red Hermits
2 Blueleg Hermits
10 Trochus Snails
20 Astrea SNails
6 margarita snails
3 Nassarius Snails
1 Red Starfish
1 Sand Sifting Starfish
2 Feather Dusters
Torch Coral
Hammer Coral
Leather Toadstool
Green Fuzzy Mushrooms
1 purple mushroom
big green star polyps rock
bubble coral
cauliflower Colt Coral
Pulsating Xenia
Green Bubbletip Anemone


150 Gal FOWLR
1---Asfur Angel (6") (Queen of the tank keeps everyone in line)
1--- Blonde Naso Tang (7")
1---Yellow Tang (5")
1---Sohal tang (7")
2---very large cleaner shrimp
1---horse shoe crab
1---coral banded shrimp
and a bunch of various hemit crabs
80Lbs. live rock
Very shallow sand bed
looking to finish it off with a few diff gobies,scooter blennies and maybe a purple tang


50 gal. 36x18x18
75 pounds live rock
15 pounds crushed coral
20 nass. snails
12 astrea snails
6 scarlet hermit crabs
2 emerald crabs
3 pom pom crabs
1 porceilan crab
1 fire shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 crocea clam
2 rainfordi goby
2 hectori goby
2 red firefish
1 barber pole goby
1 blue assessor
zoos,xenia,hairy mushrooms,yellow cup coral,7 head frogspawn and green tree leather.


nassarius snails ... with crushed coral?
poor little guys.


I have a 24 gallon. I have two fish. I am a chef. I cater primarily. My schedule is constantly changing. I have misbar clown, and a diamond watchman goby. Coral wise : Large candy cane, Large frogspawn, Extra Large Acan, Medium bubble, medium cynarina, medium wellsophyllia, medium toadstool, 4 ricordea polyps turning into at least 7, a bright orange centered green rimmed zoo colony about the size of a dollar bill I bought when it was the size of a nickel, invertebrate wise : 2 coco worms 1 is new and does not show off, I have no idea what is wrong, 3 hawaiian fether dusters 1 deep sea yellow gorgonian, back to corals :a colony of green clove polyps the size of a silver dollar, 2 cabbage leathers, 2 finger leathers, a very small patch of orange and brown zoos, a brittle star the size of my hand or larger, 45 pounds of LR at least, and 30 lbs. of LS> I have two 36 watt, 10000 k pcs. with a moonlight. I have countless bristle worms, adn a copepod population out the wazoo. My tank has been set up for 2 years, and I studied up for about 6 months prior. I also have an alveopora, but my light is not bright enough for its beauty , and I am sorry to say it has bleached and is on its way out. Does anybody think it has a chance? I have r3ecently moved it to the top of the tankwith no restriction of light from other corals. I also have star polyps which are growing at an exponential rate. I also have run out of room for my corals, and I am thinking of buying a larger tank, but my apartment is cramped as it is. If I werew you, buy as big as you can allow, adn you will save money in the long run. I was able to stack my rocks with a tunel behind them aloowing the fish to swim in a circle, but not everyone is always so thoughtful. I have a hard time cleaning the bottom of the front of my tank due to coral growth. I have 15 nassarius snails, Ihave downed the population of turbo snails to 2, and i ahve hitchhiker snails that have grown in my tank that nobody at the LFSs know identity of that do a fast an great job at keeping algae to a minimum, adn scavenging. i hope the best to you, and your tank. With a lot of research, adn consistent attention, you can have a very successful tank. Don't spend your last dime on it like I do. Reef adicted adn so glad it just reef not crack. :joy: Oh, gonna get some mushies for the one empty spot.