What "K" rating do I want for MH lighting?


Active Member
If I'mn looking for a nice white light what bulb do I want? I'm getting a 175 watt mh but am curious to know what bulb I need. I want about as white a light as I can get.


Go with the 10,000K thats the most popular bulbs now adays. Don't buy a cheap bulb. I just bought and Icecap Ballist "i love them" to run a 175W MH but have not figured out witch bulb to buy yet brcause I am on a budget. I need to wait another week, I sepnd too much money on this! But i love it.


Active Member
10,000K from Ushio, sound good? Thats what I plan on getting. Wich ive cap ballest you going to use to run the MH?


so are the 20000Ks like pure blue light? or they are just white with a hint of blue?
Could 20000K bulbs only suffice as the main light source?


What was wrong with the 65k lights you had? Too yellow-ish or what? I'm in the same boat and doing some shopping and research. Thanks.


I agree Icecap metal halides have to many probs. Know to many ppl with them on /off the boards. pfo hqi for 10k. But if your on a buget regular MH is good also. you can run 6.5k iwaski and 10k 20k ect.. any bulb. But have @10% less intensity on 10k and 20 on 20k. But you aren't limited. Never know Iwaski may have a 50k someday on 250-400w. Iwaski 6.5k are white yellow which alone doesn't look to good. worse in the 400k. But with actinic they look fine. But I just ordered 10AB bulbs which are close to Iwaski in par but have more uv. Gonna give it a try and see. I've seen my buddies tank he went from 6.5- ab his sps became brighter and dark and seem to grow fast. I didn't like them in the pendant but in a reflector :) hes has both.
Why cant I find any 10K bulbs???
All I find is 4300, 5000, 5500, and 12000...
Any suggestions on sites???
---Enquiring Minds Want to Know?!?!


Active Member
I'v been looking on a few sites and really like HelloLights prices. I'm probably going to go witha ushio 10k. I'll be running 4 avtnic vho's in conjuction with it and hope that the mh will lighten those vho's up.What do you think?


I have 2 icecap 175W mh ballasts and don't have any problems. I have the 14K bulb but will swithch to the 10K in a few months to give them a try.


New Member
at hellolights.com they have mh175watt 10k bulbs for 55$. They are a new product but the price is worth checking out. I will put a post here as soon as I recieve the bulb thursday .


Not all 10k are equal some have really low par. IMO I would only buy Ushio or clone. And AB bulbs. Ab seem to have more par but probally means less blue but ushio and AB have been proven good bulbs. The rest are junk. Dunno about the new ones at hellolights but chinese bulbs= the rest are just so???? But german bulbs they have all good equipment in everything reef. JMO