What Killed my Algae?


My rocks and décor were covered in green algae (I don’t see it as nuisance. I think it makes my tank look more natural and my fish love it). Anyway, I started hypo about 7 days ago and over the last two days my algae has turned dirt brown. My nitrates are low, nitrite and ammonia at zero, and my ph is good. My lights are on a timer, so that has not changed. And I don’t think I have changed my typical feeding habits.
The algae growing on my glass is bright green, as was the color that once covered my décor, and grows non-stop. I have to clean the glass daily to keep up with it.
What would cause my established green algae to apparently die like this? I’ve added no chemicals other than a PH buffer to account for the drop due to the hypo. This is a fish only tank that has been set up for nearly a year, so it’s not a new tank..
Is this dying algae dangerous to my fish???? Any guess as to what could be happening?


Active Member
Lets see, the only thing that you changed was the hypo. It isn't rocket science to figure out the algea does not like the hypo.....


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Lets see, the only thing that you changed was the hypo. It isn't rocket science to figure out the algea does not like the hypo.....
Had you read my post, I said the algae growing on my glass is doing fine, so my question was why it would only effect some of it. Had ALL of my algae died, then I guess I wouldn't need to ask anyone for advice. Not sure what this has to do with rocket science..but thanks for the input.