What killed my chaeto in fuge?


Active Member
I have a 25 gal fuge with 25/30 watts of PC lighting and run them about 12 hrs a day. I noticed my chaeto was shrinking and some turned white and broke off into small pieces. Could joes juice kill it? Anything else? All perimeters are good in tank, and will this dead stuff (think I got most of it out) hurt my tank? Thanks.


Active Member
How often were you pruning it?? If the Joe's Juice had direct contact with the chaeto or if it caused a strong PH swing it may have harmed it but I doubt it.


Active Member
The chaeto was only in the tank afew months, and it started to shrink, so not enough to prune. PH is only 8.0. My lighting is more then adequate, and there is plenty of flow in the fuge. nrates are between 10/20, the reason I put the chaeto in there. I got another ball of chaeto to replace what died, hopefully this will make it.