what killed my scallop?


I got a scallop a few days ago and it was happy the yesterday it went back in its shell and so I thought that my water quality might not be as good as I thought (the tank is sorta new) so I did a test and my ammonia was at .10 and my ph was8.8 but I think the ammonia was from the scallop I was going to move it into my other tank because I saw some bristle worms looking at it and when I moved it it just ripped up and flowed out of the shell could the ph have killed it I fed pyto and my cal is 450


just in case any one needs the info, yes it was the bristleworm that killed my sallop I read that thay could be bad for molisks and then saw some attack the scallops in the lfs I told them what was going on and the moved the scallops but lost 3 out of 6 in a short time and got rid of the worms


Active Member
Bristleworms didn't kill your scallops, they are harmless cleaners who often get blamed for doing their job, cleaning up dead stuff. What kind of scallop was this? If it's a new tank there might be too many flucuations for sensitive species or one of your levels may be off. What's your salinity at and how are you testing it?


I saw the bristlewrom sting the scallop in the lfs and read that they attack mollusks (pg224 of david alderton's encyclopedia of aquarium and pond fish)