what kind of a goby goes with a pistol shrimp?????


i had a jaw fish but it died... i had it for a cool sand sifter... but i have recently seen a diamond goby doing its work and its actually a lot cooler and way more active i think.
my question is.... if i wanted to try and get a pistol shrimp... which kind of goby can i get... hopefully a diamond goby???
also are pistol shrimp reef safe with other inverts such as blood shrimp, coral banded and cleaner??? thanks!


Active Member
I think most all gobies will pair up with pistal shrimp including the diamond goby. I might be wrong, so better wait for other replies to make sure.


Most of the "shrimp gobies" like barbershop pole goby or yellow watchman goby will pair up with your pistol. Jawfish do as well. Your pistol will be fine with other shrimp, snails, crabs etc..

nm reef

Active Member
Just some general info I found:
"Shrimp-Goby Symbionts
The Pistol or Snapping Shrimps of the genus Alpheus, family Alpheidae really "live-together" with fishes. Gobies in the genera Amblyeleotris, Cryptocentrus, Ctenogobiops, Istigobius, Stonogobiops and more form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with these crustaceans; the shrimp digging their shared burrow home, the goby keeping a sharp vigil against predators. Partner gobies eat micro-fauna they find near the bottom, the shrimps feed on what they find in their burrowing.
The shrimps are virtually blind and use their antennae for partner goby communication at all times at the surface."
I keep a tiger pistol with a spotted goby. I recently picked up another species of pistol....much redder and different markings but haven't paired it up with a goby yet.


Active Member
actually jawfish tend to get very ticked if there is a alpheus without a partner in the tank cause the alpheus will go in the jawfishes hole and the jawfish doesnt like it so he will attempt to evict him and the shrimp will probably come back later and the jawfish will evict him again which just stresses the jawfish. Why did the jawfish die? Do you have a dsb?