what kind of algae?


Our tank is 3 months old. the ammonia is 0, nitrite undetectable, nitrate5.0, ph 8.2 , alkalinity normal (1.7-2.8). We just had an outbreak of very bad green algae about two weeks ago that cleared up and now this brown stuff is growing all over the live sand and up the sides of the tank. We have to take a razor to get it off the sides.what is it?it is worse in back than in front.



Active Member
I was thinking diatoms, but it may be cyano bacteria. How's the waterflow in the affected areas?


i have three power heads equaling about 700 gph in a 75 gallon tank. One in the back lower bottom, one on the front left and one on the back left.


the stuff on the bottom of the glass in rock hard and im sure im going to have to use a razor to get it off. Its been like this for about four days now, and it appears to be getting worse. I changed the water two days in row.


the back of the tank is a lot worse the front, mostly all on the sand but Im seeing it on my yellow gorgonian now.