What kind of Algea is this?


looks like hair algea to me. do you have any kind of cleanup crew? My hermits cleared a rock i had in about a week. If u feed alot maybe feeding a little less would entice him to eat ti.


Originally Posted by bs21
looks like hair algea to me. do you have any kind of cleanup crew? My hermits cleared a rock i had in about a week. If u feed alot maybe feeding a little less would entice him to eat ti.
I have a bunch of small hermits (12 or so) and snails. I never feed them directly and nobody seems to touch the stuff. I feed once a day.


hmm couldn't hurt to switch to every other day for a little while and see if they don't take care of it. otherwise you may have to try and pull it out. Do you use RO water or tap? I have heard of tap water causing hair algea problems.


12 or so?
try getting more clean up crew
also look into getting some mexican turbo snails
what you have looks like what i had the mexicans cleared it right up

who dey

Active Member
weed wacker and use the second picture to eliminate phosphates which is the cause of your algae



Active Member
Green hair likes phosphates, certain spectrums of light, proteins and seem to prefer areas of low flow (not always).
Measure your phosphates before introducing a phosphate magnet.
What does your skimmate look like...assuming you have a skimmer. (too many proteins in your water column)
What lighting do you use and is there any direct sunlight? (yellow light)
How long is your photo period? (reduction of photo period may be in order)
What do you feed? Flake food is usually high in phosphates (seaweed).
Pull off any hair that you can with your fingers trying not to let it float around in your tank.
Hope this helps.


What kind of cowrie is that? I think I might need one soon, but then again I am using tap water (I know it's bad). I can't figure out which ro/di unit to get