what kind of anemone did i buy?


New Member
i asked lfs to get me a bubble tip anemone. it came in today and of course it was in a ball in the bag, so i pay for it and bring it home. he seems happy enough but it dont look like a bubble. i wish i had a pic but since i dont i will try to describe. it has a pretty bright pinkish/purple base and the tenacles are short and green tipped. its about 5 inches. he moved around and found a place it likes, so all seems well so far but i wonder if my percula clown will like it. i payed a chunk of change for this thing. so if it can be indentified i would appreciate it.(i did look at the on-line store here and its not there) thank you :)
[ April 18, 2001: Message edited by: 2_if_by_sea ]

cactus jack

doesn't sound like a bubble tip. how long are its tentacles? do they sway in the water flow or are they short and stubby and more rounded? how long is the stalk of the base? is it short or elongated?


Active Member
might be a sebea. that is what it sounds like to me. they can be fragile at times. imo not as hardy as the bubble tip. imm no expert on inverts but my guess is that if it not a sebea it is some sort of rock anemone. later, bo


I have a Bubble tip as well as a Sabae, if you go to the ordering sight here fishwater.com store here icon at sign in they have listed Anemones i know they have a pic of the bubble as well as Sabae's there this might help you more if not email me at MPh8521@mediaone.net and i can direct you to pics of many. hope this will help you. Missy


New Member
ok its tentacles are about 3/4 of an inch long. it has a heavy base. not long, its thick. i looked in the ordering sight to see if anything looked like it and its like a sebae but the color is so vibrant on the underside and base. all i guess i really want to know is if the clown will eventually love it or not. see, i got it for the fish not me. ;) it is a beautiful anemone.


That is something you will have to wait and see. Sometimes they won't take to an anemone. Hope yours does. Good luck.--Bob


New Member
The colored base sounds like either a ritteri (sp) or long tentacled. If it is a ritteri, I've seen plenty of percs take to them. A LT, I'm not sure. Ritteris are usually expensive, but very beautiful. Good luck.


If you payed a chunk of change, then it is probably not a bubble tip. Bubbles are usually in the mid range (as far as anemones go)


New Member
well i found out the type it is. it's a ritteri. i wanted a bubble and got this instead. i agree it is a beautiful thing. i went back to lfs and whined about the mix up and he is ordering the one i wanted at no charge. i am so glad to have that shop here. the problem wasn't with my guy it was with the supplier. so i am glad to have had all the responses and direction. thanks to everybody. :)
p.s. the clown looks at the thing and just goes right on by. :( oh well