What kind of anemone is this?


Well-Known Member
I've owned this anemone for exactly one year, and I would like to know what it is. It has never hosted a clownfish, but it did have a brief relationship with a domino damsel. I am leaning towards Heteractis Crispa, aka/ Sebae Anemone, but I don't notice distinctive pink tips on the tentacles. As the description in the video states the only distinct markings, purple dots, are on the underside of the crown.



Active Member
Not sure what type. Why do you have an air stone in the tank? Looks like a healthy system as well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, tthemad1. The two bubble wands were my wife's idea. Not long after setting up this tank, I had an outbreak of Cyanobacteria. I fought and fought it, until I finally gave in and tried ChemiClean. It recommended using an airstone because of oxygen reduction while treating, so she thought two bubble wands would work better than an airstone. Of course, I had to agree... lol! I'm also dosing NO3:pO4-X on a daily basis, and while it says the skimmer will provide sufficient oxygen, I want to be absolutely sure there's enough. If my wife allows it, I may remove them some day. I bought and set up the tank, I bought the livestock and acclimated it, I buy the upgrades and install them, and I perform 99% of the maintenance... yet I have to have her permission to remove anything. If you're married, you'll understand...


Active Member
True enough. The ONLY thing I put my foot down about is the tank. Everything else seems to be a "partnership" decision. LOL


Well-Known Member
I believe it to be a Sebae anemone also, HAWKFISH203. After replacing the six Chinese T5HO bulbs yesterday with 2 ATI Aquablue Special, 2 Blue+, and two Coral+, the colors are far more prominent. In the first picture, I had my camera set to "vivid" and it captured the anemone's colors almost perfectly... while over-saturating most everything else. The last three pics were taken with the camera set to "auto". These pictures don't do it justice because they lack the green of the tentacles, and show little of the pink on the ends. No matter what the camera settings are, it's more beautiful in person.



Yes it is a Sebae. I have one too and it is about the size of a dinner plate. I'm not sure what pink tips you are talking about. My Sebae has blue tips.
