What kind of anenome is this?


New Member
Anyone know what kind of anenome this is? It was white and is now turning brown.



Active Member
It's hard to see with the pics so small,possibly a sebae.A white anemone is stressed and bleached...if it's turning brown that is a good thing .It means it is regaining it's zooxanthellae.


Has some features of Heteractis crispa, but also possibly Anemonia sulcata but the sulcata is from the mediterranean I think.
Do the tips have any color to them at all, is it even like the rest of the tentacle or is it more colored like pinkish, purplish or what?
Can you tell me anything about the column of the anemone?


New Member
The lfs called it a sebae... but I don't have much confidence in them anymore.
I paid $20.00 for it about 3 months ago. He was solid white and now turning brown, which, from reading other posts, is a good thing. The column is smooth. He's settled into this rock and comes out three different holes.


There are so many variable that can change the look of a sebae or any anemone for that matter, water chemistry, lighting, stray voltage, temp.
One clue here is that you say that it is settling into the rockwork, sebae and BTA's can do this. Many others prefer to be near or in the sand.
So I wouldn't rule out it being a sebae either. What color is the column?