What kind of "Cleaner Species to use? Snails, shrimp etc.


What kind should I get to clean my tank. As I am transporting a 39 gal. tank and keeping the old water w/ some new. Because I know I will be drudging up some of that nasty stuff in the bottom. The tank incl. live rock and crushed coral.
Should I get snails? Scarlet Hermit Crabs? Blenny's? Cucumbers, etc? Please help. Thank you.


Do I leave them in there for the life of my tank or until they die, and then replace them. Or do I get rid of them as soon as my tank is clean? Thanks.


Active Member
For a new tank I would get snails and crabs as the basis and get something els for the extra showie part. You really need to go through the invert page and look at stuff that you like make a list of the ones you want and then post and see if it would work.