What kind of clown to put with anemone?


This is a pic. of my anemone and I was wondering what would be the best type of clownfish to put with it. It is an orange tipped, green sebae. It doesn't look green in the pic but it is. My two clownfish died and I want to try another breed if possible. I had to false percs, they both got some kinda internal parasite and died. I guess that is what I get for buying wild caught. I know now that I am going to get aquacultered. Any suggestions. I have a 45 gallon tank. Anything other than maroons. Tank too small.


Sebae Clowns work well. When I worked at a petstore, we would put sebae clowns with the sebae anemone and they would hop right in. Hope it helps.


You will probably not find tank raised Sebae's and if you do they will be expensive. Are you sure that it a sebae anemone. It looks like a BTA to me. Try either Clakii's or Tomatoes.


Either way, bubbletip or sebae, the sebae clowns would work. I have a pair of sebae clowns in my bubbletip. They come in the common color like a clarki or black. I have the blacks. I bought mine for 11.99 each. I wouldn't get tank raised if you want them to go into the anemone. Not that tank raised wouldn't go into the anemone. Its just almost for sure they will go into the anemone if they are caught. IMO. Hope it helps!


if its a BTA most clowns will work. Clarkii's are my fave clownfish and should have no issues with a bta (which is what it looks like to me)


Originally Posted by Thejdshow
if its a BTA most clowns will work. Clarkii's are my fave clownfish and should have no issues with a bta (which is what it looks like to me)
I have a BTA that looks like what you describe, and my clarkii hosts it.


thanks everyone, I think I am going to go with a pair of clakii's. I apprciate everyone's advice. I will let everyone know how it goes when I get them. It will be a couple of weeks though.


well, the reason i posted this question is that I don't want a pair of false percs, those are what just died, I want a new breed. What kind of clownfish can i get a pair of other than false percs.