What kind of clowns to get?


Im going to be getting a pair of clowns soon and would like some opinions of what to get.
1 Regular clown and 1 Black and White clown
2 Onyx clowns
I'm having a tough time deciding. I have had 1 regular and one B&W in the past but I'm really liking the Onyx ones.


New Member
you shouldn't mix 2 diffrent species of clownfish they will be aggressive towards each other. if you get a pair of clowns they have to be the same species of clownfish


I'm not mixing different species. The regular and B&W are the same species just a different color.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pokdbz
Im going to be getting a pair of clowns soon and would like some opinions of what to get.
1 Regular clown and 1 Black and White clown
2 Onyx clowns
I'm having a tough time deciding. I have had 1 regular and one B&W in the past but I'm really liking the Onyx ones.
There is a forum for the clowns and anenome on here they may have better advice. Let them know what kind of tank and other tankmates you plan on having.


Originally Posted by pokdbz
Im going to be getting a pair of clowns soon and would like some opinions of what to get.
1 Regular clown and 1 Black and White clown
2 Onyx clowns
I'm having a tough time deciding. I have had 1 regular and one B&W in the past but I'm really liking the Onyx ones.
It is a personal preferrence of what clowns you realy like. Check out the clownfish boards though, it is your choice on what clowns to get.