What kind of Coral is this?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
we have resorting to betting? LOL
how could you prove or disprove it?
not resorting to anything ZOMG LOL, just thought I'd throw out a friendly wager to make things more interesting. You game? We could, "prove or disprove" it very easily, all the original poster has to do is post a pic of it closed up so we can see the base. It's fairly simple.


Active Member
ok heres some more info....
Just tried to get it to close, no luck, it didn't close....it only kind of closes at night so tonight ill snap a picture
It has hairy looking "leaves" or arms.....i hint of green, barely though
and it has a mat type base to it


Originally Posted by oneradtek
ok heres some more info....
Just tried to get it to close, no luck, it didn't close....it only kind of closes at night so tonight ill snap a picture
It has hairy looking "leaves" or arms.....i hint of green, barely though
and it has a mat type base to it
sound like star polyps to me. yeah, they should close up at night, try taking a pic then


Active Member
well i dont think its that simple, some xenia grows on short mats. we would need someone to post a link of species identification i would think. or a pro with obvious knowledge to settle it.


Active Member
ya but they arent green though.....im kinda disappointed, my friends GSP look totally different then mine even in their structure


Originally Posted by teen
its definetly not xenia. im still going with encrusting gorgonian.
Yes, I agree 100%. It's either an encrusting gorgonian or star polyps.


Active Member
well on second thought sometimes they dont really close all the way up at night.....idk ill check again tonight.....and take a picture.....haha thanks for the ID offer, but that would cost too much to ship.....my canon rebel xt should be good enough


Active Member
Originally Posted by oneradtek
ok heres some more info....
Just tried to get it to close, no luck, it didn't close....it only kind of closes at night so tonight ill snap a picture
It has hairy looking "leaves" or arms.....i hint of green, barely though
and it has a mat type base to it

Hmmm now I need to change my answer after hearing of the hint of green. I agree with the majority now as I believe these are some sort of clove or star polyp...not xenia.


Active Member
its a brown star polyps. i have a 3 types of xenias, anthelias, and brown and green star polyps and its a star polyps but brown. its not a clove/daisy polyps. its just and bad angled picture. just my 2 cents


I'm sticking with GSP. Howeve if it is a gorg it will bring even more fun to this debate LOL,


Yep thats Briareum "green" or in this case "brown star"