what kind of coral now??


hey guys i was just curious what kind of corals i could get with 160 watts..and could i get a grape coral?


Grape coral? Never heard of it. Are you possibly refering to a bubble coral? My pink branching bubble sorta looks like grapes.
I think you are very limited with the lights you have to keep corals. unless you have them all cramed into a small tank. What size tank do yo have?


I think you can do it If youre talking about a Bubble. Keep it higher in the tank.I would also try some Leathers,Colts,Mushrooms,Polyps. There are also plenty of other corals and such that dont need light. Some Gorgonians dont need light either. Keep in mind that those that dont need light need you to feed them.


yeah the closer to the top of the tank they are, the better. its not just the amount of light you have, its the intensity as well. get something that you like and that would stand out.maybe something pink, purple or yellow, maybe even orange. IMO:)