What kind of corals dont need lighting?


Active Member
There aren't a lot, but perhaps things like sun corals, and certain gorgonians come to mind - both of which need a lot of feeding.


Originally Posted by ophiura
There aren't a lot, but perhaps things like sun corals, and certain gorgonians come to mind - both of which need a lot of feeding.
I started out feeding my Sun Coral every other day, and it was a pain to take it out of the tank and slowly get the polys out to feed in a small pot and put it back in the tank. Then I got sick of that, then I left it at that 1 spot and no more messing with it. Once aweek, I go in with Cyclopeez and feed corals in the tank, and so far, once a week feed is good for my Sun Coral. It's growning fast.


Active Member
I have a sun coral and I freaken love it, by far the coolest coral I have....I feed almost everyday, only takes like five minutes. I think its half the fun. If you can find one pick it up. This is a pick of mine 10 minutes after light went off waiting for a snack...


Originally Posted by peef
I have a sun coral and I freaken love it, by far the coolest coral I have....I feed almost everyday, only takes like five minutes. I think its half the fun. If you can find one pick it up. This is a pick of mine 10 minutes after light went off waiting for a snack...
Don't mean to bust in on this thread, but I just picked one of these up. So...you feed your once a day at night after the lights go out? Just trying to figure out the best way/time to do this. thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
Don't mean to bust in on this thread, but I just picked one of these up. So...you feed your once a day at night after the lights go out? Just trying to figure out the best way/time to do this. thanks
Ok well it was kind of a pain to figure that out soooo, here goes to help ease your headache.... Sorry to nab the thread also, but it all helps!!!
Unless you are already adding Iodine, Strongtium, and molybdenum, you will probably need to dose for the first week or so as you feed to get it used to feeding time. I made a little coral cocktail that is also GREAT for everything else in my tank. It is made of the following
1 capful of Iodine
1 Capful of Strongtium/molybdenum
1 capful of Reef solution
1 1/2 capful of Marine Snow
A little scoop of cytopleeze. You can tell how much to use by how much it covers your tank.
I would turn off filtration and add this with one powerhead running for circulation for like 10 minutes and WOA everything would go crazy eating. All my coral was sucking it up. I did this like maybe 10-15 minutes after I turned off daily light cycle and had moon lights on. About 20-30 minutes later the Sun would be out in full. I would have a mysis shrimp block (a small one mind you) thawing during all this previous time. I would use a little sucker (like a turkey baster but smaller, came with my calcium tester) to drizle the mysis onto each polyp, they would munch and then come out again for the rest of the night. I will do this every night for like 1 1/2 weeks and then every other night for 1 1/2 weeks. After the first week though don't dose with the iodine and S/M except only once a week or it will throw your levels off and start an algae bloom (iodine) If you have any other question hit me up!


Active Member
PS. if you have any food stealing critters like crabs or shrimp....give them a piece of the mysis so they don't rip it out of the polyps mouth....this can damage them. My arrow crab was a food nabbing bast***.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
PS. if you have any food stealing critters like crabs or shrimp....give them a piece of the mysis so they don't rip it out of the polyps mouth....this can damage them. My arrow crab was a food nabbing bast***.
I love your fantasy fest outfit in you avatar Peef! I love the sun corals but just too much effort for me..


My father in law has a sun coral. He fed his everynight with a turkey baster with the lights on and now the darn thing opens up with the lights on. I always thought these things were nocturnal.


Originally Posted by peef
I have a sun coral and I freaken love it, by far the coolest coral I have....I feed almost everyday, only takes like five minutes. I think its half the fun. If you can find one pick it up. This is a pick of mine 10 minutes after light went off waiting for a snack...
Very nice coral!

coral keeper

Active Member
So there is no other kind of coral that dosent need light? The suncoral is the only coral that dosent need light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
So there is no other kind of coral that dosent need light? The suncoral is the only coral that dosent need light?
Gorgonians, sponges, Chili coral do not need light. Shrooms very low light


I have a carnation coral that doesn't require light, but it's extremely difficult to keep. I've had mine for about 2 1/2 weeks now, and it seems to be doing ok. Most people don't have much luck with them, and I'm still worried about mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Dendrophyilla and Dendronyphyilla (I apologize if I spelled them incorrectly)
These corals do not require light and they are not sun corals


Active Member
Tube anemones are non-photosynthetic, hardy, and very cool. They aren't true corals (nor are they actaully anemones) but they are awesome reef tank inhabitants that come in many great colors.