What kind of corals w/this lighting?


I was wondering what my limit would be for the following lighting in a tank I'm purchasing. It has a canopy and in it are 2 175 MH and 4 110 VHO's. If I'm extememly limited, I could upgrade the MH ballasts to 250's but I hate to spend the money now if the current lighting will work for most corals. Oh, the tank is a 180 gal 6 ft long 2ft wide and 2 ft high.


Active Member
on a 180G tank ur guna wanna get 250's and ur guna want 3 of them on the tank otherwise ur guna see lots of shawdowing.... 175's wont reach the bottom enought to keep clams and sps happy down there
save ur money and get 3 of them


Thanks for the advice. Let me ask this. I can purchase one icecap 250 retro kit including reflector for 105.00. It's 2 years old, and does not include bulbs. As a temporary solution, can I add it w/the 2 175s to get by. Also, does this sound like a good price?


Active Member
the price is average for used equipment. not bad and not great. just average IMO
os for the lighting choices. if you already have the 2 175's well then i guess use them with the 250 until you can upgrade. you will just have to be carful with placment and type of corals. if you dont have any of it yet then simply wait as stated above and do it right the first time around. you will be glad you did


Sounds good. It's probably best to go ahead and upgrade if it doesn't jeopardize my marriage
. As for the ballast, I did some searching last night and came to the same conclusion, it's not that great of a price since no bulb is included.