what kind of crab is this?


ya he's huge lol, seems pretty crabby too... (note the pun)... his name is crabby the crab lol... he's in a saltwater tank


erm he's been in there a while, i got him for free from the LFS(local fish store) because he actually destroyed some of the corals in my friends tank.. he's always been in a saltwater tank, she didnt know what species he is though, (called and asked) hence the the pictures... he seems to be doing just great in the water.. so umm.. has to be some type of water crab, he never needs "air" and he just is content as can be to dig in the sand and eat the food i give him..
any other ideas?
Originally Posted by aixenv
erm he's been in there a while, i got him for free from the LFS(local fish store) because he actually destroyed some of the corals in my friends tank.. he's always been in a saltwater tank, she didnt know what species he is though, (called and asked) hence the the pictures... he seems to be doing just great in the water.. so umm.. has to be some type of water crab, he never needs "air" and he just is content as can be to dig in the sand and eat the food i give him..
any other ideas?
hmm sounds weird, could he have adapted to underwater life? If they can do this..


my girlfriend told me (she knows a decent amount about tanks) that he is definitely an older crab and the lady who gave him to me stated she had had him for quite some time in her saltwater tank, then she took him to the store when he broke some corals, and then i saw him and he was so energetic i was like hey how much for him and she was like hey you can have him lol...so ya hmm..i would thikn to live underwater he'd have to have some type of gills or something...he's been in the tank atleast probably 3 wks...
anyone have any other ideas?


the fish store lady thought he was a star-eyed hermit crab, but i dont think the eye color is the same based on this
Stareye Hermit Crabs can reach a size of three to five inches and are distinguished by their blue to blue green eyes that have a dark pupil and distinctive star like design. There is a very similar species, called the Bareye Hermit Crab, which has a dark bar across each eye, when viewed from the front. These two species are often difficult to distinguish in the field.
looks to me like he has yellow eyes...