What kind of crab is this?


I went to the LFS and purchased 3 Nassarius snails....it turns out that one of them isn't a snail at all but some sort of crab. Can anyone tell me what type of crab this is? Thanks!!


I'm pretty sure that it's a "reef safe" hermit. IMO, hermits are evil snail killers, so personally, I'm not a fan of them.


Yeah, I figured it was some type of hermit since it's living in a shell...I was just curious as to what type of hermit crab? It has green legs and I've only seen Scarlett leg and Blue leg hermit crabs. I'm not really aware of other types. I'm a newbie though, so there's a lot I don't know! :)
I have 3 large Scarlett hermit crabs right now, and they've each molted already (maybe even more then once?) in the 6 weeks that I've had them. I just put a handful of bigger empty shells in the aquarium and 2 of the Scarlett's almost immediately went to the new shells and were in the process of 'moving in'.


Well-Known Member
nope not reef safe! Ive had one, when i 1st started... They grow big like golf ball/tennis ball...i got rid of him along with my strawberry. I think they a common name for em are jades!
You can keep him but one day he will eat something u wont want him too! LOL


^ honestly, that's a risk with just about any crab or hermit. Even those that are claimed to be "safe"


Here's another picture of him, he seems really bold and active so far. My 3 very large Scarlette Hermit crabs are really mellow and MUCH less active then this little fellow. Take a look at the photo and if he's not reef safe then he's gotta go! I'll be kind and take him back to the LFS....they were supposed to have given me a Nassarius snail anyways :)
Here's the pic!


Well-Known Member
up to u really...i say not reef safe.
btl says non are reef safe lol...
and the rest is history! Ive taken several things back to the LFS before.


Honestly, if you have scarlets, don't mix other hermits, they will kill the scarlets.
Nassarius snails are more beneficial, get one of them, since that's what you were supposed to be getting.


Awesome! Thanks for the advice guys! He's goin back tomorrow for sure :) Hopefully between now and then he doesn't get in to much trouble. He better leave my scarlets alone or else! The scarlets are big, but very peaceful.
I need to run to the LFS tomorrow anyways since I have to pick up some algae sheets for my LMB...any recommendations?? I noticed on SWF.com that there's a brand call "Two Little Fishies Seaweed" and it seems to come in different colors (red, purple, green, ect...) Will regular algae sheets work, or do you think I should order some of this as well?


Well-Known Member
ive never had luck with it...well i was using nori so im not sure about the actual algae sheets "fish food wise"...
Look at rods herbivore or H20 herbivore blends...


I like the Two Little Fishies algae sheets and Ocean Nutrition algae sheets. Regular nori just doesn't cut it. My fish will not touch green algae sheets or regular nori, but inhale the red, purple and brown sheets.


Active Member
Its looks like a thin stripe hermit.
The Thin Striped Hermit Crab, (Clibanarius vittatus) is good at removing hair algae, film algae, detritus and cyanobacteria from your tank, it will also scavenge. It can grow large enough to inhabit a four inch shell, making it one of the larger algae eating hermits. While it will not eat your corals, it may attack snails for their shells, and this is something to be mindful of in your tank. When it grows to full size it may become a threat to loose rock work, but no more so than the average turbo snail or urchin.