what kind of drip setup do you have


I just continue to add water day after day and I would like to setup somesort of drip system. I know knothing about this and would like to get something going so that I can have a resvoir of water that drips into the tank so that maybe I would just have to add water once a week. What do you do for your tank give details like I said I have no knowledge of how to do this.


Active Member
RayRay on my 20 I have a sterilite conatiner that holds a gallon of water and I fill it up every couple of days .... I drileld a hole in it and ran a piece of airline tubing down to the tank and it sits above the tank. Not pretty but efficient!
What size tank?


Yes I have a sump. The tank is a 100gal. What I was thinking of doing was similar to what overanalyzer said. How hard is it to get the drip to the right speed and how can you adjust the speed of your drip


Active Member
I scientifically tied a knot in the airline hose to make about 1 drip every 3 seconds ....
On a larger tank I would use an IV drip .... which is What I think I am going to do with my 140 ....


Well-Known Member
Ray: My 55g went from evaporating 1/2 gal per week to 3/4 gal every two days. This obviously is because of the increased surface area and waterflow. I am thinking the best thing I can do is to more fully enclose the system especially the refug. At least it is not so bad I can't put a little extra water in and go on vacation for a week.


Active Member
p.s i have a seven gallon trash bucked elevated about a foot off the floor with an airline tubign size hole drilled into it and connected to my sump via a kent floast valve.....i mix up 4 Tsp of kalk per 7 gallons ans run this through the float valve and voila!
good luck


Active Member
Kent float valve here to. 10 gallon tank for top off and another 5 gallon water bubble jug on top of that. I'm good for two weeks in the summer.


i use a 35 gal rubbermaid with a mag 2.5 hooked up to a electric float, when the sump level goes down the float turns on and adds water. i also have just a basic float valve connected to my ro/di and it fills my resevoir automatically. best thing i ever did, in the winter i was adding almost 2 gallons a day to my 180. my water params have been so stable espiecially my specific gravity.


New Member
So if you don't have a sump, I'm assuming you must elevate the water above the tank? Any other way to get the water up there?


New Member
Could you give me a little more detail on how to do that? I no nothing about float switches. Thanks!