What kind of eel will go with a shark?

Hi, I was just informed that i could possibly fit a shark and an eel in a 300 gallon... What kind of shark and eel go together... I want a bamboo or horn shark.. Please reply :eek: :confused: :eek:


LionFish says.....
Being that you will have sharks you can put the more aggressive eels in the tank with it. You can have a snowflake or chainlink, which are the smaller and more peaceful eels with a Horn shark. Where as, you can get a Tesselata or Jewel Moray or Zebra Moray with the Bamboo. those are the best kind of eels to go with those particular sharks. Avoid Blue Ribbon eels as they are nearly impossible to keep and it would be a disaster with a shark. A Green Wolf eel would work with the Horn shark. Also avoid the Giant Green Moray which can probably consume both of those sharks. You may also want to look into BlackEdge Morays, they are pretty cool.


Active Member
tesselatas are great if you have a bamaboo or epaulette shark. goldhead eels are cool, as are hawaiin dragoons. the hawaiin dragon is super agressive though, might eat your shark. for a horn i agree w/ lion on the smaller eels. maybe a spotted snake eel too. later, bo
Tesselatas are really expensive and so are the dragons... the cheapest I have seen the dragons are $400.00 and I spent a lot on my tank... So I will see... Thanks for the ideas... I am thinking about a zebra moray... Very attractive & relatively CHEAP lol!!! :D :D :) :) :p :p :cool: :cool:


i have a black edged eel, he is really cool, and cheap! he was $40.00 here, you can probably get them cheaper somewhere else.