What kind of Eel?


Are there any different types of eels with the same temperment, and size? Was hoping to find something with better color. Want to house with, a dwarf lion, blue spotted puffer fish, and possibly another fish if all goes well. It's a 46gal tank, I don't mind taking a bit of risk either. Got a 3 gal reef tank going for a year and a half, so addicting.

salt life

Active Member
the only eel i'd put in a 46g is a golden dwarf moray and I think those are a little pricey. I think any other eel would be cramped in that size tank when it reaches adult size.


said to be hard to find but I found one online already for 350 bucks. Not too bad if he lives!!! Compared to the amount of money in my reef tank this fish only system will be relatively simple, with only a few inhabitants. Thanks for the idea.


Active Member
The kind that you don't put in your tank.
Just MHO, do as you wish, but I personally don't think eels are really a good idea...especially when they get big.


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
The kind that you don't put in your tank.
Just MHO, do as you wish, but I personally don't think eels are really a good idea...especially when they get big.
Personal opinion there. I have owned 4 and still have 3, other one is at another members place now. Most undemanding aquarium resident there is IMHO.
But to each his/her own.
I agree with the dwarf Golden in that tank. For a little bigger of a tank 55-75g I would say a Goldentail / Banana as they are very unaggressive and timid eaters.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
The kind that you don't put in your tank.
Just MHO, do as you wish, but I personally don't think eels are really a good idea...especially when they get big.
I don't get what you mean by " the kind that you don't put in your tank"?
I have 2 moray eel tanks and they are amazing fish to keep. when they get big, they are even more amazing.


Active Member
I mean I wouldn't put any eel in my tank. Its a personal opinion and that's why I made it clear it was simply that. No right or wrong, if an eel works cool. I think they look great. But I also don't trust them. Kudo's that you got one that works well. They are pretty to watch.


I have a snowflake in my 75 and to be completely honest, I think he would be happy in a 25.... They really don't leave their rock much and only then to snatch food and go back there... People may disagree, but I think a snowflake would be fine. (Although they are messy eaters and will add to your bioload!)


i love my SFE... hes awesome. hardy little booger too, spent an entire day in our sump piping before we found him, we caught him (After emptying all our bioballs, filter, exc) and just dumped him back in the tank. 12hrs later he ate lol... i love mine.I think his pattern is pretty too. We would totally get another one if something happened to him. Mine actually isnt even a messy eater, he comes up snags the krill off the tongs and swallows it whole..


Active Member
Before putting one of these guys in a 25g.....look at this video of mine in a 240g (about 1 yr ago) he has grown since then. Again, maybe for a year if you start with a SMALL one...maybe not.
These eels grow quick as opposed to other eels. If you do a quick search you'll see te growth rate of mine in 2-3yrs time.


holy moly!! i cant imagine our eel being that big! i mean of course i know hes going to grow but goodness gracious!
how often do you feed yours?? we get very mixed information on their feeding...

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
holy moly!! i cant imagine our eel being that big! i mean of course i know hes going to grow but goodness gracious!
how often do you feed yours?? we get very mixed information on their feeding...
I don't have a SFE but I feed my 3 eels 2 times a week and give them a snack when I noticed them looking for food. As they get bigger you might want to feed him more to keep the eel from using your smaller fish as the food source.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
Before putting one of these guys in a 25g.....look at this video of mine in a 240g (about 1 yr ago) he has grown since then. Again, maybe for a year if you start with a SMALL one...maybe not.
These eels grow quick as opposed to other eels. If you do a quick search you'll see te growth rate of mine in 2-3yrs time.
what an eater!!! how much do you have to feed him?


thank you for your input!! i appreciate it. were averaging every other day-every three days. the same, when it starts looking around


Active Member
I feed my eels between 1-3 times per week and anywhere from 1-3 shrimp at a time. You feed them till they are full, or at least not attacking the food.
If I feed them 1 shrimp I may feed them 3 times a week, 3 shrimp and might only feed them once a week.
That tank is 24" tall and 24" deep for for scale.
I often question the standard 55g for a SFE, he is quiet big and as you can see pretty active. He is probably longer than my DME just not as big in diameter.
If you think he is an eater, you should see what the DME does come feeding time!!!

blue oasis

I had a snow flake eel and my son now has it, so I purchased a green wolf eel which I love he feeds out of my hand and will not knock all the rcok down like the snow flake did.
Actually the Grren Wolf Eel is really a benny and not an actually eel, so I have been told. which means now I understand why he is not aggressive.