what kind of external pump


Active Member
mag-drive pumps diffently the best rios suck :p
P.S. if you dont get a mag your dont know what youll be missing


The Velocity pump series for the quietest pump you'll ever own.
I have the Velocity T-3 on my 90, great pump.

david s

does anyone run a Dolphin Aqua-Sea pump i was looking online it says they are quiet and look prety good

sal t. nutz

Do you want the best or the quieitest? Those Velocity are prob the quietest, and are a good pump. But the best pump is an Iwaki, but it's nowhere near the quietest

david s

my only thought is i want to run my bullet one skimmer my main tank and a fuge off it right now that is about 1800 gph
i looked at the velocity pump the biggest is 1080
a iwaki MD70RLT is 1500 that would probubly do it. how loud are they ???
I've heard that the Velocity series of pumps run very hot, adding heat to the water. Have you found this to be a problem?


my old velocity was much quieter than my little giant.
i agree with thomas, velocity is the way to go for external, dont waste your time on a mag unless you are doing a closed loop and dont need serious water movement.


jagermeister - Any pump will add heat to the water. To the outside touch it is quite warm, but does not seem to overheat my water. Due to my own fault I have had to take my velocity pump apart twice to clean calcium deposits due to overdosing. Not an easy task. I do love this pump on my 90, and it is very quiet. Beyond that my water temp runs at 79 at night and 82 with the lights on during the day. I'll double check those temps and get back with you. I am currently using a spraybar and one MJ 1200 as well, so not much heat there either. Also a Rio 2500 on a Berlin Classic.

bang guy

I'm using a pair of Iwaki's on my system. One of them has been running 24/7 for over 11 years now.
If you don't have a lot of head pressure the Velocity and AMP Masters are good pumps.
If you have head pressure then Iwaki is a very dependable pump.