What Kind of fish can I have


I have a 12g JBJ Nano cube clown, Engineer Goby, dif snails, hermits, fire shrimp, brittle star, Emerald Crab, frog spawn, gsp, blue shrooms, and some kind of poypls oh and a new blue berry Gorgonian under 250 watt Metal Halides
i want one more fish if it will be ok w/ what i have and perfer an active fish any ideas?


*I wish* A nano Butterfly,But maybe I don't know much nano fish<Maybe a Six-Line Wrasse I love mine.


Active Member
Curious ... what clownfish do you have ? There is no such thing as a "nano cube" clownfish, certainly there is no such thing as a "nano butterflyfish" either.
A firefish is a nice addition.
A six-line is too big for a nano tank.


Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
Curious ... what clownfish do you have ? There is no such thing as a "nano cube" clownfish, certainly there is no such thing as a "nano butterflyfish" either.
A firefish is a nice addition.
A six-line is too big for a nano tank.

sorry i do alot of run ons it was a jbj nano-cube with a clown fish (False Percula)


Engineer Gobies can grow to over a foot long... replace him with a Watchman Goby or some Neon Gobies.