what kind of fish is this?


Active Member
That is a Sailfin Tang. Very beautiful fish but, it needs lots of room to swim around.
Sailfins get anywhere from 8-12" in home aquariums and probably shouldn't go into any aquarium less than 100 gallons. I personally wouldn't put one in anything less than a 180gallon just so the tang has room to swim and expand it's beautiful sail.


Active Member
Well, you beat me to the submit button Rye...oh well, your response is more informative than mine anyway...;)


Active Member
They're fairly common and would do great in your 120. Lots of nori for these guys. Big appetites and plenty of algea needed.
Good Luck.
Here's my guy. Love him.


SailFine Tang. I agree, awsome fish. Mine had a great personality. He would follow me all over the tank and he was not shy.