What Kind of fish / Shark is this?



Looks kind of like a Hardhead Catfish. I live on the coast in Texas and they are a VERY abundant catfish in saltwater and also very ANNOYING as any Gulf fisherman will tell you. I know this isnt a Hardhead but it seems it also has the same affect as one when stuck. I have been stuck only once, as thats all it took to learn to respect these things after caught. I have been in 2 car accidents, have had stitches twice, have had broken bones 3 times and surgery on my hand, have had a huge rock come down on my head, had my hand caught between 2 12" flanges at work, had a nail go into my thumbnail, AND THIS WAS STILL THE WORST PAIN OUT OF ALL OF THEM!!!!! I have on more than on occasion seen these things make grown men cry like babies. PLEASE respect this thing since it is in your house, as being in the saltwater Catfish family, they are probably closely related and the pain pretty close. All Im saying is be care full. LOL


Well-Known Member

Whatever it is..it's ugly and colorless. Of all the drop dead beautiful fish you can put in a saltwater tank who would want that in their tank? What I would do...Keep the tank and give that thing to someone if you can (or feed it to a cat) and get some nice saltwater fish to keep. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
Yep I believe those are the Silver Tip Shark...aka Columbian Shark...aka Bull Shark Catfish. They are a brackish fish as juveniles and should be acclimated to saltwater as adults. And just like the HardHeads that the poster up above mentioned I do believe they have venemous dorsal spines. So if you get stuck by one you may or may not end up taking a trip to the hospital. They need lots of swimming room and will probably eat anything that it can fit into it's mouth.


I so agree with you. I was having a little trouble fininding a taker for these fish, hmmm??? Wonder why?? and I don't have a cat. I do have a dog, but I really like him and wouldn't ask him eat something this ugly. LOL
Fortunatly, or maybe unfortunatly, my hubby has taken a liking to these fish and has taken them out of my pretty salt tank and put them in a 55 gallon tank he bought from a neighbor for just this purpose
don't ask....
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/382286/what-kind-of-fish-shark-is-this/20#post_3336250

Whatever it is..it's ugly and colorless. Of all the drop dead beautiful fish you can put in a saltwater tank who would want that in their tank? What I would do...Keep the tank and give that thing to someone if you can (or feed it to a cat) and get some nice saltwater fish to keep. Just my .02