What kind of Foods do you feed your corals?


I have had my corals for a while and their all doing great except my newest white star polyps (i think i could be wrong though). Just wondering do you guys feed your corals, and if so... which product would you recommend?


I personally wouldn't feed star polyps. No need.
Unless you have specialized corals: IE: anemones, certain LPS, sun corals, gorgonians, etc. You don't need to feed corals.
Most corals feed themselves - hence the need for good lighting.
Now - if you do have one of the kinds that need feeding there's a lot of choices.
For me - a good quality homemade food with golden pearls and various other food in it fed to the fish is plenty for the corals.


kristheeze, What are "pearls"? Referring to the white pearls you mentioned. I feed my sun coral brine[frozen], mixed with phytoplex and vary that with 'cyclopeze', however it is spelled. The sun coral is thriving on that diet. once a week Now and then I grind up fresh seafood, whatever I have on hand and using the baster feed the sun also. I have a coral that was sold to me as a chile and it is not. It is a Modern, definately a leather bubble coral, , red and white striped. It lets me know when it is ready to be fed. About once every two to three weeks it opens its mouth and spreads the polyps outward to accept fresh seafood. Most of the time it is huge and always billowing as a chute would landing from an air balloon. Very beautiful, wish someone could identify it. Have never fed my gorgonian and it has developed beautifully with many new fingers and height before I ever had the other corals, As a filter feeder guess it got enough from the water and fish foods. When the bubble, red and white, sends out its waste matter, the clown fish can't eat it up fast enough. My pair fight over it. Must be something nutritionally good for them. Am a numbscull at figuring out how to post a picture of my gorgeous tank. Just am not savvy at this computer.


i think most ppl underestimate how much corals need food...even with sps about 10-25% of there diet is food......i feed mine a live rotifer culture and also phyto (phyto for the leather and clams, and to feed the rotifer culture)


Reefer, I forget about the rotifer cultures in the tank. That is so important. Since I have been feeding these newer corals the zoo's and yellow leather that I've had for years have benefitted from the phyto and other varied foods that I would have not begun useing had it not been for the sun and bubble . Everything looks better. Have a spaghetti, or finget leather that is taking up half the tank. Clowns live in it. I think you are correct that light alone isn't all many corals need. Definate improvement in the appearance of everything in the tank. {except for the algeal blooms}