what kind of light is this?


I just bought a 24" Coralife Deluxe Double Lunar Aqualight for my 37g. It has 2 65w 10,000k daylight compact fluorescent lamps, 2 65w true actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent lamps and 2 lunar blue moon glow LED lamps. Am I supposed to use the actinic and daylight at the same time? Or how does the whole process work in the ideal situation. And also, what kind of lights do I exactly have, in regard to MH, etc. I'd like to know what type of corals and anenome I can keep in my tank with this type of light. Thanks :)


you will ideally turn your actinics on before your daylights. I have my actinics on for about 30 mins and then turn my daylights on. PC aren't close to MH. From what I know it goes like Normal Output FLourescent - PC - T5/VHO - MH. I'm planning on getting an anemone for my 55 that has the PC of 4x65 and I'm limited to Condi and Bubble tip anemone. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone


I have the 48" aqualight and I turn on my actinics at 8am and have the daylights come on at 10am. Then the daylights go off at 6pm and the actinics stay on until 8pm.