What kind of light just for anenomes???

I want to get a light that would be sufficient enough just for anenomes for my son's tank. The tank is fish only, not corals, etc. He just wants an anenome for his clownfish, which I know the lighting is not enough right now. Thanks!!!


Most anemones require metal halides, and with those you can keep any coral. For a bubble tip or codi anemone, you may be able to get by with vho or pc lights, not sure though. His clowns still wouldn't be guaranteed to host though.
Thanks so much Brotox! So if I walk in the lfs is that what I should ask for? Sorry, I have no knowlede about lighting, when I read the threads about lighting I get lost. Have never had interest in them since I have always been fish only. Again thanks.


You would probably want to check the big auction site. Halide lighting units can be very expensive, but I have seen some good deals on that site.