What kind of lighting for my new refugium


I have a 26 gallon reef that i am finally adding a 10 gallon refugium to in order to reduce my nitrates.
What kind of lighting should i use?
What should i put in it besides algae?
Also, does anyone have some tips for me when i'm setting it up?
If the power goes out, will water end up on the floor?


Active Member
I use a shop light from walmart and put one of those compact fluorescent sunlight bulbs.

My Sump/Refugium


Active Member
make sure when setting up your fuge that you leave adequate room in the ten for overflow. basically do a test power failure and find out how much water dumps in when the return pump isnt on. this way you can figure out where to mark your waterline.
are you using a built in or hang on overflow? the overflow works by syphon so, just figure out the syphon point of the water..
macroalgaes, LR or lots of LR rubble, deep sand bed of all LS, and very little water circulation.
as far as lighting, PC's are great but you could probably go down to your local hardware store and buy a halogen light.. probably pretty cheap. also if you really want to you can buy a vial of pods and start cultivating them in your fuge...Id recommend leaving the lights on 24/7 unless you intend on having a fish in there or something.