What kind of mushroom's are these?


Active Member
Thanks, I dont think the LFS guy new his stuff. I got the entire rock for $15.00. Now the xenia is a totally different story


they seem a little small. that may be the reason you got it cheap.


they grow fast and will divide like crazy if you keep them in stronger lighting. i bought 1 rock with 5 medium sized shrooms and now i have like 15 small ones and the origional ones are around 3" each. when they close up for the night they sorta rip off a piece of their base. in a few days it will be a small ricordea.


Active Member
When I put them into the tank, I knocked one off and now it is attached to the back glass. Which is way cool.

nm reef

Active Member
Yup...looks like some type of Ricordia to me. Heres a pic of some that I have...

For the most part they seem hardy. Decent light/stable & mature system/moderate current....those conditions should be good. Mine are in a moderate current sort of sheltered in a cave and below my xenia. They open nice during the day . I also direct feed mine now and then with some of the days menu(normally I only direct feed about once a week).The pic above is from several months ago.....I now have 6 about the same size and I've taken several back to the LFS I purchased them from for store credit on future purchases...it'll never recover whats invested...but it is pleasent to get a bit of a return on my investment...:cool:

nm reef

Active Member
There are numerous color morphs of ricordia.....just for fun here are a few I'd love to add to my system. These pics are from assorted reefkeepers...they are not mine...but if I get the opportunity to purchase any like them I'd go for it. They are definitely on my wish list....:cool:
