what kind of paint for in-tank PVC?


Active Member
I am making a PVC spray bar, but I'd like it to be black, instead of white, with words written on it--too tacky looking. What paint would be best to use? Is there anything that is readily available?


i wouldnt paint anything that is going to be in the water. u can get pvc cleaner and it will take the words off for ya if thats all your worried about. it comes in a can just like pvc cement u should have some if u follow directions with pvc. lol but i have seen some pvc or cpvc that is black its used for sprinkler systems.


I have most of the exposed plumbing in my tank painted for the same reason. The problem is that the *only* paint that is safe for in the aquarium is a 2 part epoxy that is NSF-61 certified for potable water. Unfortunately, you can only buy this paint in minumum of 1 gallon quantities. I paid 48.00 per gallon when I bought it and that's reasonable, the fact that it had to ship HAZMAT added another 28 bucks to the order :eek: Anyway, it works but read, and follow the instructions carefully. The only place I found it online was aquatic-eco systems. I have heard other people on the board locally so maybe one of them will jump in with some other sources.
Good luck,


Active Member
well, only bother because before it gets covered in coralline, it will be covered in other bad algae, since white attracts it. my tank isn't that mature yet either, so it would take a while before it would be "covered". but, you are right, it certainly doesn't seem to be worth the hassles of getting it painted.