What kind of Puffer is this!


My first fish after cycling and I don't even know what kind of dogface puffer he is...Can anybody help me here?
Also I want to include more fish down the road and have been researching whats compatible but haven't made any decisions.
I would like to have another puffer, Clown Trigger, Small Sting ray.... Something along those breeds,,.....
My set up is a 125 built into the wall, FOWLR.
The puffer is happy in his new home but I would like to add to the action in the tank...


triggers are agressive and should be put in with tough fish. Stingrays are hard to take care of(from what i hear).


its a dogface. a stingray will out grow your tank, the trigger is to aggressive, and you tank is to small for 2 puffers


everywhere I read on here people talk about having puffers in with triggers and other aggresive fish...
Does anybody have a set up with these fish in them, the LFS said it would be cool and they house the different fish in their tanks all the time..


everyone on here seems to think that LFS are all for the money....I see the fish together everytime I go there....So its not just for a sale...I think some of you think everybody is out to get you all the time..


it is that most of the time they are out to sell stuff. i asked my lfs if i could put a smoothound shark in a 150g. they said i could keep it for life.


Active Member
You'd be fine with a trigger. Just make sure the puffer eats cause the trigger WILL be a pig. You could house some of the angels with him, tangs, a volitan (smaller than him), or any of the groupers. Like i said make sure he eats cause he is a little slower. BTW most of the fish i mentioned may eventually get to big for your tank. That could take years but keep that in mind.


do not mix a dogface w/ a porq puffer the dog will beat it up..I have kept for over 2 yrs a porq w/ a lunar wrasse,flamehawk,yellow sailfin,a snowflake eel, and a bi-color that I just took out because of nipping at the puffer

norm r

I responded to your other post on this topic but wanted to comment on the prospect of keeping triggers with your puffer. At one point I had a huma, pinktail, bluethroat and clown in with my guy. All got along very well. I should add though that the clown trigger was considerably smaller than the puffer while the others were larger.


I have known several people as well as my self to keep triggers and puffers together. They are all pigs when it comes to eating. the clown will become a mean sona of a gun in time though.


i have only seen like 3 kinds of dogfaced puffers. 1 was a regular, 1 was a gold dogface, which u obvioulsy dont have, and the other the tag sed i think masked dogface puffer. it was the same as a regular but it had a lot of black around its face, i think ive also seen it caled a panda-faced puffer
in a 125g tank, u should be fine with a trigger, although clown triggers r quite expersinve, probly not anohter puffer, cuz agressive fish seem to not like others of their species. ive no experience with rays so im stumped there, and im not really an agresive fish person, although ive always thought of cnaverting to agresive setup. have fun with ur fish picking!


Active Member
That looks like what my LFS is selling as a "Dalmatian Puffer". Don't know the latin, but perhaps this is a place to start. It sure is a nice looking fish, whatever kind it is:)


It's a dog face, there has been alot of different puffers for sale lately and the lfs uses alot of different slang names for them. I have one myself and it is a great fish. enjoy