What kind of Puffer is this!


Actually, there are over a dozen different species of puffers that are all often grouped together as "dog faced puffers) and yours appears to be Arothron nigropunctatus or possibly a meleagris, ", which reaches about 11" at full growth (they are relatively slow growers, even though they eat LARGE portions)
The reason many people don't recommend mixing them with triggers is that thay are actually somewhat shy (except at feeding time) and literally WON'T fight back with almost anything.
Ours in named "Puppy" and we've had him for almost 2 years, now about 4", from the 1" when we got him.
These guys are also somewhat nocturnal in their habits, especially when house with more active fish, and a few krill or some shrimp right after lights out will often ensure that they get addequate food.


Nice puffers. I have a gold belly dog face, to ensure his belly is full I hand feed him, otherwise the faster wrasses will snatch his food.


New Member
Your Dogfaced spotted puffer would do fine with a pinktail, bluejaw, or niger. Each dogfaced temperments are diff. and will vary.
Mine is verry mellow and needs to be watched during eating, because more aggressive fish will take his food and forced him into one of the bottom corners of the tank.