What Kind of Puffer Should I Get?


Hi everyone. We are thinking about adding a small puffer to our 50g FOWLR/LS. I'm just not sure about compatibility. It's between the sharp nosed or valentini. I have heard the puffers can be aggressive and fin nip. Is that true for both of these little guys? Or is one less aggressive than the other. Their tank mates would be a foxface, perc, long nosed hawk, and a very small scooter blennie. The tank is very peaceful rightnow and everyone really gets along in there. I would hate to throw some turmoil into their lives by adding an aggressive fish. Also the tank is fairly new , about 2 months out of it's cycle. Is it OK to keep puffers in a relatively young tank? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ;)


Valentini's are nice. But if you get a chance, look up the masked puffer or stars and stripes one also. They both look pretty cool.
Well, all puffers are aggressive and they will also chomp on your rockwork, eat any and all inverts they feel like and are very messy eaters. You might be able to get away with a valentini for a WHILE, note the WHILE. IMO, the tank is a little too small to accomodate a puffer with your existing stock. As far as the timing, puffers are hardy fish and can be kept in a relatively young tank. Sounds like you have a good thing going, I just wouldnt risk adding a puff to the tank if you are worried about aggression.
Well I can say definitely stear away from a stars and stripes, dog face, porc etc. All of the larger puffers should be kept, IMO, in a 75 gal or greater and belong in an aggressive FO tank. You can search for info at about.com or ,better yet, check out pufferlovers site that you can get to by clicking on his profile and follow the link. My gut says he will be responding to this post here very shortly. Hes the man when it comes to puffs so I would follow his advice. Keep in mind that these fish are very messy and without a cleanup crew, whcih you cannot keep with a puff, your trates will shoot up without excellent filtration and will require cleaning more than you are probably used to with your existing stock, even without overfeeding. gl!
Have had both a box puffer and a valentinie, loved both of them but box was a very messy eater, valentinie or saddle back, is very dainty but he is small and, this could change. he is not messy and no fin picking, only pickes at algea , very nice puffer, and he and most of our other fish will move to 150 once we set it up and cycle it with raw shrimp. this will be a fish only with plenum and some live rock for hidding...cya :)


New Member
I've got a sharpnose puffer that has blue spots...not really sure of the common name. Hes the coolest fish in the tank. He doesn't bother any of my percs, gobie, or damsel. I even have about a dozen hermits and snails in there with him. He may get 1 hermit a month but the quicker ones he leaves alone. There only about a buck anyway and I figure they give him something to do tryin to slip under there shell and grab them. The hermits and snails almost always win. Go with the sharpnose for sure...you may wanna a bigger tank down the road.


Active Member
Here I come chug, chug. Lots of Puffer questions lately and I love those. Now I would agree that the Stars and Stripes is a no no due to the fact they get big fast and a 50 is going to be to small for it and your others. In time it would start eyeing them and as the famous line in the Hannibal movie (first one at the end) they would be having a friend for dinner. The smaller Canthigaster species (sharpnose, fiji, valentini, etc) get to 4 inches max and normally more like 3 as adults. They are mellow and will do ok with what you have. The rub is only one and they can be fin nippers as mentioned above (altho the ones I have had and the one I have now have never shown that characteristic). Mine lives in a 46 bowfront since 12-98 with the following (to give you idea of what they can be with). Blue Devil Fiji Damsel; Pecula Clown; Racoon Butterfly; Pair of Cleaner Wrasses; Bi-Color Blennie; baby Twin Spot Wrasse; Yellow Clown Gobie; and a Longnose Hawk. These fish have been together since the end of 1998 and it is one of my 2 most stable tanks. So if a Puffer is a must go with the smaller versions and enjoy.


Active Member
Depends on size of Pork and size os Star. In time the star would be toast. Puffers as I always say "if it fits in the mouth they WILL eat it" that is a 11th commandment.


Pufferlover and everyone else, thanks for the reply. Do they fin nip out of aggression or hunger or is it something they just like to do? Also that whole thing about "if it fits in their mouth they'll eat it" has me worried. My blennie is very very small and I would hate for him to become someone's dinner. The foxface can probably fend for himself but my silly perc loves other fish and enjoys swimming right next to them no matter how big or small thay are. I would hate for him to lose some fins. I don't know maybe a puffer is not the way to go. They just seem like such fascinating fish. Oh well. :confused:


I just got my Blue spot sharpnose today, I haven't seen any niping, or aggression. I will keep you posted if something negative happens. I also have some clowns, gobbie, and gramma.


Active Member
c2rn; The Puffers suggested above will do fine with what you have. The fact the books say they are fin nippers as I said above I have never seen that behavior (and I probably have had 6 of them over the years). As long as they have space they will stay to themselves. Now a Dog or Pork that is different they won't only nip they will devour smaller fish which is why I do not recommend them for what you want to do.


Okay one last question for the great all knowing pufferlover :D. Do you have a preference between the sharp nosed or valentini (same as saddleback?) as far as hardiness, temperment etc? Okay I lied. A few more questions if you don't mind. I think I told you before in another post but I have 2 sand sifting stars. I am willing to get rid of them but do you think that a small puffer would bother them? Would he actually dig them out the sand? Thank you so much pufferlover ;). I really appreciate all your input.


Active Member
No real preference altho I have had more valentini's then the others. I do not think there is any more or less aggression in any of the smaller ones. Had a couple of fiji's for awhile and they were mild and beautiful but more delicate then the Val. If the stars are larger size and you feed the tank well you would probably be ok. Again no 2 fish act the same but I still believe if you get a baby fish they tend to grow up more mellow then a medium or adult. This does not hold true for Dogs and Porks tho they just grow up hungry and never want to stop munching on things no matter how much you feed them. It sounds like you really want a small Puffer so go for it and if you see to much interest in the starfish from the new guy then they will have to go. The smaller Puffs start with really small mouths so they are not as destructive even as they get bigger. One last thing I do not re call if you have rock but make sure you have some (even a few small pieces) as the Puffer will use it to keep its teeth filed down. Mine has developed one heck of a overbite which in time can cause them to be unable to eat. Why mine did that even with plenty to gnaw on is unknown but it has lived longer then any of the others I have had.