What kind of sand?


I am new at this as you will soon be able to tell. I have a 50 gal that I just addded sw to lastnight. I have a Fluval 204 and 2 Whisper 180 power heads circulating the water for now. I haven't tested anything but the salinity yet ( 1.028 @ 80 degrees ). I know that is high but my tank is only 3/4 full now. What kind of sand do I need to get to mix with the LS and what should the ratio be? And where do I buy uncured LR my local shop doesn't carry any. ANY help would be appreciated!!!


Staff member
I would go with smaller grain sand. You can buy LR and LS online....even at this site!


I plan on buying the good LR and the LS here at this site but I need to know where to get the reg. sand and what type to buy so that I can " grow " my own LS. Thanks for your help!


You can get Southdown at Home Depot depending on where you live. I used the premium sterilized play sand because my HD doesn' carry Southdown. It is your choice.


Active Member
Another source for good quality sand is an online source which specializes in pure aragonite sand. I just received some delivered for about $20 per 40 lbs bag. Excellent quality, small grained and looks awesome in the tank. Do a search with those key words on line and you'll find the site. This is dead stuff though, so you'll still need to seed with quality LR or LS.
Here's a pic of how the sand looks in my new 125.


Thanx for all your help! I really like this site and the board here. All of you guys and girls are really helpful. I will let you know how it is going.