What kind of shark is this


I caught this guy in the sound just off of

Head Is, SC, It was about 16 to 20 inches. I've looked around and figure it is some sort of sand shark. It kind of had white tips on his fins but I was a little tipsy.


That looks like a juvenile white tip shark. Caught them many times in the Broad river in South Carolina. White tips and Black tips are very plentiful popular in thoe waters off of the Carolinas.


Since I caught this shark I can't stop obessing about starting a shark tank I want something atleast 10 x 4 and I've got a pool tablr taking up space I could sell for $2500 and make this dream work!


Active Member
Is the head shaped like a bonnetheads? Looks like one, but if the head isn't curved then it could be a white tip or a sharpie.


Here's the only other pic we got, is the head rounded I didn't think so, gotta love the instant ocean bucket I took "in case we actually catch something I could put in my 240 F.O."


Active Member
Are you the lynn person who sent me an email? I'm asking because I've gotten emails about not getting my emails coming through. Is it you?


email sent THANKS... even though my ste'llers (that's pit'sburgh slang) could take down the super chargers! They need to get it going - bad move firing Marty even though I always thought he's a bum. Hope to here from you man. THANKS!


First off - in the Carolinas - we don't have Whitetips sharks. Except possible the Oceanic White-tips. But certainly no White-tip Reefs. Our Blacktips tend to be more dangerous & aggressive than the Blacktip Reefs.
That's not to say we don't have sharks with some white on their pectoral fins. The Atlantic Sharpnose(which reach 3-4' long) does have white on their pectorals. And are quite often called sand sharks by local fishermen.
From the photos it's really hard to be positive on the Identification. The one in the bucket looks kind of like a Lemon pup. Still based on these photos - I would guess a Lemon Shark. But naturally clearer photos could help in positive identification.
If it is a lemon - you got a monster on your hands. Also does it some times lay on the bottom of the tank? And how big is the tank. Because with any requiem shark - you will need a very large swimming pool size lagoon - at least.


Im pretty sure he caugth and released it. He just wanted to know what it is and now is thinking about starting a shark tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rara12
Im pretty sure he caugth and released it. He just wanted to know what it is and now is thinking about starting a shark tank.
He sounds like he kept it.


A shark tank - can be a very nice and interesting tank - if you stick with the right species.
While most shark keepers - ultimately want to keep requiem sharks - very few private aquarists, actually have the means to correctly do so. So unless your ready to turn your swimming pool into a large shark lagoon - stick with the more aquaria friendly species of sharks such as Bamboos, Eppies, Coral Cats, or Horn sharks.


Active Member
Looks like a spinner shark. Did it make any jumps?
Lemons have two dorsal fins the same size and I can't make out the second. They also have a blunt or rounded snout while the spinner is more pointy.


And the shark in the bucket - has a blunt nose. Plus it does look like a Lemon pup.
It's not a Spinners - Spinners basically look like a slim Blacktip with a pointed nose & long pectoral fins.


Active Member
i agree on not being lemon because one of there main characteristics is 2 almost equal dorsal fins. may be type of dogshark (aka sand shark by fishermen)


i agree on not being lemon because one of there main characteristics is 2 almost equal dorsal fins. may be type of dogshark (aka sand shark by fishermen)
Ok - first off the photos aren't clear enought to tell what size the dorsal fins are.
Second - it the Carolinas on two sharks have blunt noses shaped similar to that - Lemons & bulls. Based on the characteristics of it coloration, & fin placement - It looks like a Lemon.
Smoothounds tend to have more pointed or rounded noses. Also so do most of what's known as "Sand Sharks".