What kind of shark is this


Active Member
its dorsal fin and tail fin are clearly visable in the picture in the water with no fin inbetween
look at the size of the second dorsal fin in this lemon shark pup


I'm well aware of what Lemons look like - both as pups & adults.
It's just Lucky?'s photos aren't clear enough to be 100% percent positive exactly which species it is. As for the 2nd Dorsal - it's hard to tell - because we don't have a good picture of it.
But the shape of caudal fin, shape of the head(in the bucket), coloration all suggest it's most likely a Lemon.
get the hook out of its mouth lol crimp the barb and then it comes out easy and the fish wont be harmed i have my shar of dealing with TOOTHY bluefish here on long island ill be dealing with them in about an hour or 2 lol and hopfully a big BASS


We didn't keep the shark. I don't know enough about keeping them so we let it go. It might be a lemon, thought it might be a baby nurse.


We didn't keep the shark. I don't know enough about keeping them so we let it go. It might be a lemon, thought it might be a baby nurse.
Go to know you released it. You did the right thing. Lemon Sharks aren't for people who have little knowledge of or room to keep large sharks.
But it's certainly not a Nurse. The shark in your photo has the wrong coloration & body shape for a Nurse. The shark in your photo has a classic requiem shark look - like a Lemon has.