What kind of snails and crabs?


they are also called emerald crabs... they only eat algae and that's it you can order them here. No, I don't work for sf.com but they are excellent about whats what


As for snails I have had several different varieties none being much better than the others. However I have found blue leg crabs to be good for filtering through sand and coral but one of the best for keeping algae undercontrol on rocks and stuff is the emerald crab. I put one in my 55g and within a week he had three large rocks picked clean!


Active Member
I'm still giving my emerald crab a chance, its only been 4 days. I know where it is because I got white spots where my coraline was, not to say there wasn't other stuff to eat on top the coraline, but not my coraline!! There is plenty of other goodies for it. It hasn't left the rock, but is doing less damage than the ex- urchin. I had a choice when I picked it out and leave it to me to get the coraline eating emerald---thats always my luck. ;)


Are emerald crabs knowen to eat coraline?
Also what about red legs and blue legs and Scarlets? Do they eat it at all?


Well.... here we are... does the green crab eat alge or what. I don't know....anyone? help us


Active Member
I was stating "leave it to me to get a coraline eating emerald crab", because that is just my luck lately. I am not sure if all do or not. With any fish, crab, etc. its a 50/50 chance, depends on the personality. I would like to know too though if anyone else's eat coraline.


Active Member
I've seen emeralds, blue legs and zebra hermits all scrape at coraline.
You have to remember crabs including hermits aren't truly herbivores their opportunistic omnivores and will eat what ever they can depending on what's available, what they have a taste for and how hungry they are.


Active Member
I just wanted to say that emerald crabs can attack other animals. I was at the LFS yesterday, and I was just about to buy a red brittle star. Then, as I was watching the starfish, it got attacked by several emerald crabs. It wasn't just one bad crab either, it was 3 or 4. The starfish was fine before the crabs got to it, but even by the time I reached in and separated them, the starfish was already pretty beat up. It wasn't anything the star couldn't quickly heal from, but still. I was wondering if I should get some emerald crabs but after seeing that I decided I didn't need anything that did that in my tank.