what kind of starfish?


I want to set my new tank up with an aggressive setup; but don't lilke the fact that I can't have starfish or anything to stir up the sand, eat detritus, etc. Someone told me there is a starfish that stays submerged in the sand, aerating it, and can be with aggresive fish b/c they can't get to it. Is this true and ,if so, what's it called?


Oh! (Well, I guess I should have been able to figure that out myself.:) Thanks a lot! Do u know if it does well with aggressive fish?


Active Member
I do not recommend it personally just because they often starve to death. Plus they don't always stay submerged. What kind of fish are you looking to keep? Also check for some ideas in the aggressive forum.


thanks! i'm waivering back & forth between aggressive & non. i was going to go aggressive so i could get a puffer & bigger fish. i hate the fact that you can't have detritus eaters & things in an aggressive, though (on top of the fact that the puffer causes more of that than other fish.) i might just go with non again. that way, i have a cleaner tank &, although, i'll mostly have to go with small fish, at least i'll have a variety. but if i do go non & order a detritus attack pack with the stars, can i feed them something to keep them from starving?


Active Member
It is worth a try. Some will go right for it, and others seem less willing. Brittlestars, FWIW, are quite easy to feed and may show up in the package.