I want to put a tang in my 125, but want one that is very active and will be out front, unfortunatly, not a naso as he will outgrow my tank. Anyone have any suggestions????
I added a sailfin and a purple to my 140 at the same time. They swim and feed together all the time. They are so cool together. Recently I very carefully added a yellow mimic tang. They are all very happy together. These are my 3 favs!
definitely Purple tang. My favorite fish by far. Mine was murdered yesterday. The sale price on this board is not bad. I paid $70 at LFS. Waiting to find the culperate before replacing him.
My roommates have in a 180g; 2 yellows, a purple, a black scorpio, a salifin, a naso, a purple, and .... I believe there used to be a chevron! Amazing to watch them all swim in a group, and yep... they do occasionally chase eachother. Pretty rare though.
the tang might not eat from a clip, mine didn't, but if you put the algea in the water and push it down with your finger the tang should get ir. or put it b/w two pieces of lr.
I wouldn't dismiss the Naso. Hardy, active and they will eat seaweed out of ur hand. Sure it may outgrow ur tank but u will get a couple of years of fun out of him(or her, or both) and will be able to sell/trade for other fish/corals
I have a 180 with a naso, 2 hippos, a sailfin, koran angel, a baby banded shark, and a maroon clown. They all get a long well except for the 2 hippos, they chase each other all over the tank. I'll half to get rid of one of them pretty soon. I'm waiting for StacyT to get his 240 up and going so he can take him. I would say it is up to you to pick your favorite tang and be happy and not what everyone else says. They are all very beautiful fish and will all eat just about everything. Good luck with your pick.