What kind of Tangs can I put in a 175-? How many-? Kole-? Chevron-?


Active Member
I'll be honest with you, if you REALLY want a tang, get a purple one while you still can. from what i'm reading, they can no longer collect them and the price is going to skyrocket.


So can I have a Purple,Yellow and Chevron together-? Will they make it for the long run-? I just got tank, and won't be upgrading anytime soon. If I can get those three, who first-? Thanks !


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
I'll be honest with you, if you REALLY want a tang, get a purple one while you still can. from what i'm reading, they can no longer collect them and the price is going to skyrocket.
They are already going for $120 in the most reasonable stores in my area.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Can I keep a Purple,Yellow,Hippo and Chevron in a 175-?
Yup! you should add a new one in there. A Clown!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTB9000
I wouldn't recommend a Clown, they tend to have a low survival rate.
And on top of that, they are quite the nasty fish!


So will I be ok with a Yellow,Hippo,Kole,and Purple in a 175. The tank has been running for 3 weeks with 90 lbs of LR from my old 75 from a year ago, plus 140 lbs of LR purchased when tank started to cycle. I would like a couple more fish, a puffer,Dwarf Lion and 2 Angels. Is that ok-?


Just do 1 dwarf angel- a flame,coral beauty, or ebili would be awesome in your setup. TANGS TANGS AND MORE TANGS BUT NO MORE THAN 3. I'm no angel conosieure but you may be able to keep an adult if you look around and research enough. good luck


Ok. So if I were to mix some tangs in my tank, they have to be different sizes right-? So maybe a Yellow,Hippo,Kole or Chevron-?


Active Member
I just purchased kole. Very nice fish... I havea 215 with a kole,purple, blonde naso. I have a lot of rock and caves for them to travel through. They really love it.


I currently have a purple and a hippo. When I introduced my purple into my tank with a yellow my yellow beat the poo out of the purple. So I got rid of my yellow. My purple has a more submissive personality than most purples, but I LOVE my hippo. My blue hippo has so much personality its amazing, I highly recommend them!