What kind of Tangs can I put in a 175-? How many-? Kole-? Chevron-?


Active Member
I have to agree with not having a yellow and purple together. Of the Zebrasomas the purple is one of the more aggressive. Some people have had success with keeping small schools of each together, but adding them at the same time helps a lot.


New Member
Isnt it best to put two tangs at the same so that they wont fight? or the more aggressive one.


A yellow and a purple in a 175 will be just fine. I would add the least aggressive first. For the tangs, that would be the yellow.

al mc

Active Member
I have a hippo, sailfin, and yellow in a 175. They were all introduced at the same time when they were medium size. they have done well. In another
tank..a 156..I have a yellow, scopis and achilles that also do well. Scopis and
yellow disagreed at first, but now coexist. The achilles was added later with no problem.
From what I have experienced and read, in a well established 175 tank you should do Ok with 3-4 tangs. As mentioned by others it is best to introduce at similar times and best to have dissimilar body types.
Tangs can be ICH 'magnets' so isolate everything...even consider hyposaline everything to avoid problems.....


for us noninformed people...
Whats going on with the purple tang?


So, I can get a Yellow and a Purple. But I have to add them at the same time-?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
for us noninformed people...
Whats going on with the purple tang?
I'd like to know the same thing, particularly availability because I want to purchase one around Dec 1st.


this is just an option of what u could do
1 powder blue tang
1 blue hippo tang
1 purple tang
5 anthias
1 long nose hawk
2 clowns
1 watchman goby
1) flame angel
this is just an option of what u could do if u wanted to