What kind of test kits?

I have tried to search on the forum on what reef test kits people run and im getting conflicting answers. What kit is the best to run, is there any kits that have everything I need ALk, Mag, Iod, Ca.
Also second question, what do I need to test for if I am going to be running a reef tank? (lps,softies,zoos,sebae)


Active Member
I like API but you will get alot of answers to that question in here.
IMO if you are starting out with corals you should be testing for Calcium and Alkalinity at bare minimum. Thats under the assumption you are already testing for PH and nitrates. In time you may want to test for other things but so far I havent and everything seems to be doing ok.
Im already testing for ca and alk.
alk(my test kit reads ppm)-250
ph 8.2
nitrite 0
ammo 0
nittate 5 (working on getting lower)
sg 1.023 (working on getting higher in process of buying a refract kit).


Why do you wanna test for iodine? Are you adding it?


Active Member
I only test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, phosphate, calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. I use cheap kits for ammonia and nitrite because they should both be zero anyhow and have salifert for the rest.


Active Member
Well IMO you levels are spot on.. Salinity could be a bit higher, but you said you were doing that already.. Nitrates... IMO ehhh your fine.. 0 is ideal and should be a goal. But I wouldnt obsess about 5ppm. I would only expand your tests to include more if, you are dosing anything, or you notice somethings are not looking good anymore and might want to start dosing. But thats just MO.


Active Member
I have to agree with perfect dark on this one...the saliferts are supposed to be the best but I use the api's also...
They are accurate compared when I used them and salifert at same time. Ane they are easier and alot cheaper.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I agree Saliferts are the best, but also use API (because they are cheaper) they always test the same as the Saliferts in comparison. So I say use API they as I look at my test kits on hand I have more API (they also last longer).
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Why do you wanna test for iodine? Are you adding it?
Well to answer everything I have a FOWLR, I am dosing Calicum but not alk, due to my salt that I use(reef crystals) has high alk already in it,I use R/O water. I dont dose Iodine due I have no corals I just want to get everything perfect before I buy anthing. Do I need to test for phospates? I figured out my list that I will test for, Let me know if im missing anything:

phos???you tell me?

mr. limpid

Active Member
If its a fish only tank I wouldn't add cal. most salt mix have enough for fish. i would test your phos. once, but if you are using RO/DI you shouldn't have any. Also test your alk. if your ph is out of wak, they work opposite each other. There is a good thread about this in the top of this form.
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid
If its a fish only tank I wouldn't add cal. most salt mix have enough for fish. i would test your phos. once, but if you are using RO/DI you shouldn't have any. Also test your alk. if your ph is out of wak, they work opposite each other. There is a good thread about this in the top of this form.
Sorry its a FOWLR I want to turn it into a reef tank.


Active Member
IMO If your using RO water for your changes.. I dont see the need to test for Phosphates.. but I do have a question is there a reason why you are dosing calcium with just a FOWLR tank? Reef Crystals salt... does that not have any calcium at all in it? Im just curious because from what I have read the demand for calcium in a FO or FOWLR tank isnt high and most are ok with what the salt gives it.


Active Member
My calcium for ReefCrystals is 400. I think it's good to have a phosphate kit around to test your water source. I purchase my RO water and test it before I add salt. Maybe it's just me but I've only had it read above zero once.
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
IMO If your using RO water for your changes.. I dont see the need to test for Phosphates.. but I do have a question is there a reason why you are dosing calcium with just a FOWLR tank? Reef Crystals salt... does that not have any calcium at all in it? Im just curious because from what I have read the demand for calcium in a FO or FOWLR tank isnt high and most are ok with what the salt gives it.

I hardly ever dose maybe once a month and its small drop. My cal drops 10 ppm though the month.
So what should my target readings for reef tank help me fill in the blanks for change my answers?
amm = 0
nitrite = 0
nitrate= >5ppm (pref 0)
sal = 1.025
temp= 78-80
phos= 0
Iod= ?
cal= 450
alk= CaCo3= 250 ppm
am I missing anything?
Also wanted to say thanks to everyone that has answered my questions this forum is great and im glad I found it.


Active Member
Messing with iodine is not recommended but natural sea water contains 0.06ppm. Magnesium 1250-1350ppm. I'd be surprised if anyone tests for boron found naturally at 4.4ppm and iron at 0.000006ppm.