we did have a carpet in one tank at work
agian, DID
the thing was huge, like about 15 inches
and the reason it left our tank, was ever since we ahd it, things just diesappeared. Mandarin, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, 2 damsels(the boss liked them, and we had like 8 or 9 iin that tank)
Since getting rid of it, nothing has disappeared, until the great power outage which killed the rest of the tank. Now, I cannot say for sure that he was the culprit, but in days we started loosing things, and then once gone, it just mysteriously stopped. HMMMMMMMMM, maybe it was maybe it wasn't.
AND, if you do get one, be very careful, tehy are one of the anemones more well known for giving us problems, and if you touch it, it will curl right up around you, not just one or 2 tentacles brushing you, but like a velcro mat(full of venom, which does affect most people)