what kind or carpet should i get


Active Member
very aggressive, eat fish and get LARGE(upto and over 3 ft)
also they are not very easy to keep
Instead of looking for an anemone(esp a cheap one like a carpet), I would look for larger tank and lighting set up. You really should consider getting a bigger tank. Liek maybe a 125, if you want to keep 2 tangs, esp with a sailfin.


Fishhub-glad you said it, I bit my tongue at first but that is ridiculous for a 55! I am trading in my sailfin because he alone needs more than my 55! Sailfin,Puffer,Yellow tang, eel,blennie,filefish and 80 lbs of rock?! Before you buy anything ,buy yourself a bigger tank!!


Active Member
Get the biggest carpet anemone that you can find.........maybe it will eat some of your fish for you. ;)
I am not wanting to jump on the "rip on davidsmith's tank" band wagon anymore so here is another thought.......
Do you plan to keep a reef set-up? Carpets will roam around as they please and sting corals at thier liesure. They will also find powerheads and overflows easily. I am not an anemone fan myself so maybe someone else can list a benifit. Good luck.:)


Active Member
we did have a carpet in one tank at work
agian, DID
the thing was huge, like about 15 inches
and the reason it left our tank, was ever since we ahd it, things just diesappeared. Mandarin, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, 2 damsels(the boss liked them, and we had like 8 or 9 iin that tank)
Since getting rid of it, nothing has disappeared, until the great power outage which killed the rest of the tank. Now, I cannot say for sure that he was the culprit, but in days we started loosing things, and then once gone, it just mysteriously stopped. HMMMMMMMMM, maybe it was maybe it wasn't.
AND, if you do get one, be very careful, tehy are one of the anemones more well known for giving us problems, and if you touch it, it will curl right up around you, not just one or 2 tentacles brushing you, but like a velcro mat(full of venom, which does affect most people)


fshhub - For some reason I can see an empolyee talking to your boss about the anmemone ate the report when they tripped near the tank and well you see....ah.......that is...ah....
forgive me my mind is working overtime, got out of work and 10pm and have to be back at 8am and my body just has not settled down yet.


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
fshhub - For some reason I can see an empolyee talking to your boss about the anmemone ate the report when they tripped near the tank and well you see....ah.......that is...ah....
forgive me my mind is working overtime, got out of work and 10pm and have to be back at 8am and my body just has not settled down yet.

I am the manager of a corportaion, and it is b/c of taht that I got them to get a canopy, if they say that, I would know, they have to take the canopy off, to do anything(loaded with lights, and cannot get in, just enough room to feed)


Active Member
Stick to the Shag rug Carpet:D ,but seriously the only good point that I can say of my green Carpet, is that its an unusal creature, responsible for missing fish? could be, knocks over corals,yes, killed my alevelpora? yes, But I like it,:) The big green sticky Pancake , I just keep my eye on him, too bad you cant train them,
and for my first trick I will make my anemone jump through this flaming Hoop, wouldnt that be something:)


Active Member
I had no problem with my carpet anenome eating my fish. It just killed them all at once when it died. My tank had a 911 on 9/11.


Active Member
I was thinking a Berber Loop-Pile, but for green, I think you are right, shag would be the best. All carpets are good for fish surfing and jerky aging.
I think a carpet in a 55g is a really bad idea, but I do think it will cut down on the fish load, thankfully. Expensive meals for an anemone, but, for the good of the rest of the fish, it must be done....
This question has been asked many times, and the same advice has been given, so I guess we all just like typing a lot to type it out again.