what kind sea cucumber is the safest?


just wondering, is there any kind sea cucumber will release less toxin when they die? or some sea cucumber that will not die that easily (tougher than anemone)
my LFS told me there is a kind of sea cucumber that looks like a rock, and it wont release toxin when it die.
anyone know such sea cucumber exist?


haha my bad, i mean IF they die :D
btw, someone told me tiger tail sea cucumber is safe (Holothuria sp.) they dont release toxin when they die (only fire their gut out, which may be poisonous for fish) and they also siftsand for leftovers (yeah my sand are pertty dirty, stir up lot of dusty leftovers)


dont get the pretty colored ones those tend to have a stronger toxin then the less appealing cukes.i have one and it look like someone took a dump in my tank lol.i heard that tiger tails are less toxic.mine is an atlantic.