What kind?


I hear that I should buy "smaller" clowns for my 10 gallon...what are they called and where do I get them? I was planning on getting the first 2 fish at *****. Also, one more question...my tank is just about done with the cycling, the other day I noticed a few very small air bubbles in the sand bed. I was messing with my rock and mixed it up a little and there still are a few bubbles. Should I worrie about this, or is that normal?


Active Member
I would go with tank bred clowns. i have an ocellaris and a True Pecula in my tank and the ocellaris is a noticably smaller than my pecula. The ocellaris species are "nicer" than the other species. But agricultered and tank bred species are the way to go. As for the air bubbles i am not sure about them. Its a first for me so i hope someone else can help you. But what i think is air got trapped when you put the sand in. Do don't have something like a bubble wan going in your tank do you?


Ya hes right, the are pockets of air in the sand and they release overtime as the they get squeezed out. Its not a problem and youy'll probably have them for a couple months or so


Ok, thats what I thought...just wanted to make sure, that gas wouldnt build up and then release causing probs...