What kinda calm am I.


I think crocea, the idiot at the store didnt know. he knew every single scientific name for all the corals but had no clue on the clams. I traded in a few corals with some cash it came out to be about $50. How did I do/ its about 3"-4" long.


Thats a fair price as you snagged a nice and healthy sized Crocea clam. Most are 2-3" and are 40-50$, and are much more fragile. These are the most light demanding of all the clams. I know its a crocea from its lack of scutes, giving it a smooth shell. Metal halide is best, but if you have T5s (must have individual reflectors), keep it close to the top, not in the sand bed. They benifit from phytoplankton and zooplankton, I like DT's best. Be sure to start it in the sandbed if you have T5s, and if you have Mh, a mesh veil to shade it a little helps from light acclimation stresses. Hope I helped


I have a question to add. I just realized I have a small red sea star. Its chocolate chip that is red instead of brown. The clam is significantly bigger than the sea star. Should I be worried. Honestly, I really like the star its the longest living inhabitant in my tank to date but I have been looking for a good reason to trade it in. Actually, and I know too early, it was the second thing I put in my tank period


Active Member
If it's a chocolate chip, it will eat the clam at some point.
T5s are no where near enough light for THAT Crocea. I have seen some with less "runoffs" in their mantles lately, but even those tend to generate more over time.


New Member
Very nice clam! I just got one that looks identical to the one you have but only about 2"-2.5"... the LFS got a ton of flame angels and clams in and sold each of them for $19... I couldn't believe my eyes... Already got a flame angel so I grabbed one of the two clams they had left when I got there. I am about to move my 150w MH from abuot 10" above the water to about 6" since this guy is 18" below the surface. These guys demand tons of light.